An astronaut who was allergic to moon dust

An astronaut who was allergic to moon dust

Astronaut Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, who also has a Ph.D. in geology from Harvard University, landed on the Moon along with Eugene A. Cernan on December 11, 1972, and began collecting rock samples.

During the mission, Schmitt unintentionally breathed in some lunar dust and for the rest of the day exhibited signs similar to hay fever or an allergy — sneezing and watery eyes. In 1972, the NASA doctors thought he was allergic to the Moon.

Harrison Schmitt collecting samples on moon

When the astronauts left the earth, their spacesuits were clean and white but when they returned it looked as though they had been playing football in the dirt. With no place to shake out their suits before returning to the lunar module, moon dust quickly coated the interior of the module. Cernan and Schmitt were breathing it and getting it in their mouths.

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