A place with less gravity than the rest of the world

A place with less gravity than the rest of the world

Did you know that there’s one country in the world where you would weigh less as compared to any other part of the world? For years, people were baffled by a mysterious area in Canada known as Hudson Bay.

40 years is how long it took for scientists to figure out exactly why this territory has less gravity. Ultra-precise measurements taken over four years by a pair of satellites known as GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) of this territory.

GRACE, a joint mission of NASA and the German Aerospace Center, was launched into space in 2002. The two spacecraft fly 500 kilometres above the Earth, 220 kilometres apart. Using a microwave ranging system, the two spacecraft can measure distance differences between them as tiny as a micron.

That allows them to measure tiny changes in the distribution of mass – and hence gravity – on the Earth.

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